Статьи на языке «English»

Седова А.Д. Domestication and foreignization by translation of proper names in "Harry Potter"

№ 10 Октябрь 2013

Стрельцов А.А. The tenth muse

№ 2 Февраль 2014

Павлюк Н.Л. Yu. Mushketyk's historical heritage: the specific of the ontological paradigm

№ 3 Март 2014

Аксенова А.А. Look at the life of Richard III

№ 3 Март 2014

Кучер В.В. Inner world of images in dystopia novels of the first half of the XXth century

№ 4 Апрель 2014

Музычук А.А. The Deep Metaphorical Meaning of the Sea Image in Chekhov’s story “The Lady with the Little Dog” and its film adaptation made by Joseph Kheifits

№ 10 Октябрь 2014

Кузнецов А.А. The essentials of English Language for Specific Purposes for PR-managers and practical advices for successful public speech on English Language.

№ 3 Март 2015

Девятых Ю.В. Literary Narrative in Modern Text Theory

№ 5 Май 2015

Кочкинекова А.В. The peculiarities of the prepositions used in the sphere of art

№ 5 Май 2015

Мякшин К.А. Correlation of parts of speech in English phonetic terminology: a diachronic approach

№ 11 Ноябрь 2015