Articles by keyword «city»

Articles in journal «Philology and literature»

Potevsky N.A. Топология пути комиссара Мегрэ в романе Ж. Сименона «Мегрэ и человек на скамейке»

№ 10 October 2013

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Koryakov A.G., Glavnova A.V. The Improving management system for Tver's transport complex

May, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Экология в наши дни: защита города от вредоносных веществ

December, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Dresvyanskiy D.V., Krapivkina O.A. Etymology of the names of american cities

February, 2014

Tomilov I.S., Darya F.Y. Visits by representatives of the Romanov dynasty as a traditional culture of the cities of the Tobolsk province in the second half of the XIX century

October, 2016

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Tomilov I.S. Urban governance in Western Siberia in first quarter of the XIX century

December, 2014

Tomilov I.S. The social composition of the population of the cities of Tobolsk province in the second half of the XIX centuries

June, 2015

Tomilov I.S. The definition of "city" in foreign historiography

April, 2016