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UDC 811.111'373.43/.45
Ibragimova Seviliya Serverovna
Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University
PhD in Philological Science, Teacher of the English Philology Department
Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University
PhD in Philological Science, Teacher of the English Philology Department
The article surveys the theoretical approaches to the investigation of language contacts and national varieties contacts and aims at finding the ways to differentiate these two phenomena. The main differences in categories of language borrowings and national varieties borrowings are being studied. The current issue is considered on the basis of English language.
Keywords: interaction, intervariant contact, intralingual borrowing, language contact, lingual borrowing, national variety of a language
Article reference:
Ibragimova S.S. Language contacts and national varieties contacts // Philology and literature. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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