UDC 811.111-26


Sokolova Evgeniia Nikolaevna
Vologda State University
master's degree student, faculty of foreign languages, culture and arts

The article describes the topical issues of separating blends from other types of word formation. The existing classifications of blends are presented and the problem of new lexical items designation to the blending is raised. In the context of this problem the theory of field was introduced whereby we managed to describe the structure and potential capacity of blending more fully.

Keywords: blending, blends, classification of blends, combining forms, neologisms, Oxford English Dictionary, suffixation, theory of field, word formation

Article reference:
Sokolova E.N. Field theory in studying of blending // Philology and literature. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://philology.snauka.ru/en/2015/11/1762

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