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UDC 882
Sokolova Darya Alexandrovna1, Ilina Svetlana Konstantinovna1
1Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural Academy
1Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural Academy
The article explores a fragment of art-speech system of personality, revealed the specifics of the individual perception of the world, implemented in the language of the artist's words. Study of the lexical-semantic system of language is carried out by analyzing the color vocabulary. Tsvetopis is the art of creating an image, expresses the ideological and artistic idea of the work and reflects his poetic and philosophical identity.
Keywords: art picture of the world, art-speech system, color vocabulary
Article reference:
Sokolova D.A., Ilina S.K. Tsvetopis in art-speech system poet // Philology and literature. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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