UDC 81'23:159.955


Chernova Snezhana Valerievna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia (MGIMO)
PhD in linguistics, senior lecturer of english

This article considers the concept of "buffoonery" in the framework of institutional and everyday discourses, and offers a new understanding of the term, considering the "buffoonery" as a special type of worldview and lifestyle of people with a special talent and tendency to make jokes. The proposed classification of "buffoonery" is based on a number of criteria: its subject, form and place of performance, jester’s social grade, number of participants and their age group, degree of professionalism, orientation, emotional state, text uniqueness, literary expression forms, vulgar language presence, the hidden intent, and its national-cultural specificity. The main functions of "buffoonery" are recreative, distracting, amusing, attractive, integrating, intellectual, suggestive, convicting, equalizing, value-orientation and psychotherapeutic.

Article reference:
Chernova S.V. Definition, classification and basic functions buffoonery // Philology and literature. 2015. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://philology.snauka.ru/en/2015/07/1628

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