UDC 82


Kuleshova Svetlana
Altai state universal scientific library
methodist of the scientific-methodical department, master of philological education

The article studies the problem of functioning of the Christian cultural "code" in poetics of the novel by Vladimir Chugunov "The Heirs". The unity of artistic and religious discourses in the author's narrative is reflected in the system of the gospel (or Bible) archetypes, images, symbols, motifs, citations and reminiscences which permeate the novel structure. "The gospel text" in the title, epigraphs, the poetry of the names, plot-composition of the text’s organization forms a Christian implication of the novel: for the everyday details of heroes’ destiny (external, subject-thematic plan of the narrative) is hidden deep religious and symbolic content regarding the main aspects of the Orthodox mentality.

Keywords: "the gospel text", poetics of the Orthodox novel "The Heirs"., religious discourse, the Christian cultural "code"

Article reference:
Kuleshova S. The Christian cultural "code" in the novel by V. Chugunov "The Heirs" // Philology and literature. 2014. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://philology.snauka.ru/en/2014/10/975

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