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UDC 821.161.1 Горький
Kuryanov Sergey Olegovich
Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, Simferopol
PhD, associate professor, assistant professor of Department of Russian and foreign literature
Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University, Simferopol
PhD, associate professor, assistant professor of Department of Russian and foreign literature
The Crimean text as the subject of scientific research in the stream of increasing interest to the hypertext as it is remains an imortant literary problem. Noticeable concerning the M. Gorky's Crimean text is the essay «Chersonese Taurichesky» (Taurida Chersonese) written in 1897. Being an important witness of the peculiarities of Gorky's view of the world in his early period, the essay gives the right to affirm M. Gorky's inclination to the romantic feature accepting of the world and such esthetic principles which are close to antique vision of the Beauty. In his attempt of philosophic realization of reality he clearly stuck to materialism and skepticism and in showing his likings for atheistic «all-eating», stayed aside Christian principles of treating people and world.
Article reference:
Kuryanov S.O. About the early M. Gorky's Crimean text // Philology and literature. 2014. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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