Articles by keyword «seme»

Articles in journal «Philology and literature»

Totrova D.B. К вопросу о смысловых отношениях в лексико-тематической группе слов со значением «гора»

№ 2 February 2015

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Derevyanko A.A., Chekh N.V., Nechiporuk T.V. The change of associative and figurative connections of epithet, metaphor, metonymy and simile as a result of stylistic transformations in a poetical text (the case study of poems by A.Akhmatova)

May, 2015

Babina E.Y., Sattarova R.V. The concept of the notion «family» in the English linguistic world-image

August, 2016

Egorova V.V. Towards a Problem of Author Terms Translation (based on Ali Darwish's article "Towards a Theory of Constraints in Translation")

September, 2016