Articles by keyword «поэтический перевод»

Articles in journal «Philology and literature»

Idiatullina L.T. Поэма В.Маяковского «Во весь голос» на татарском языке

№ 3 March 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Komarova Y.V. A.Ch. Swinburne′s poetry in translations of Russian translators of the end of the XIX and the first third of the XX century

November, 2014

Komarova Y.V. A.Ch. Swinburne′s poem «Ave atque vale» in translations of B.B. Tomashevskiy and E. Yu.Ermakov

November, 2014

Idiatullina L.T. The literal translation in the dialog of cultures (on the example of translations of V.Mayakovsky’s poems into Tatar language)

May, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Komarova E.V. A.Ch. Swinburne′s poetry in translations of Russian translators of the end of the XIX and the first third of the XX century

November, 2014

Komarova Y.V. The second chorus of ancient tragedy A.Ch. Swinburne "Atalanta in Calydon" in the perception of Russian translators

November, 2014