Articles by keyword «методика преподавания»

Articles in journal «Philology and literature»

Falomkina I.P. Дистанционные формы повышения квалификации как средство совершенствования культуры речи преподавателей ОУ СПО и НПО (опыт проведения дистанционных курсов)

№ 10 October 2013

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kapustin A.N., Ostapenko R.I. Using Internet resources in the process of solving mathematical problems by university students

January, 2014

Mayer R.V. Technique of studying of an interference of wave packages and temporary coherence: Educational experiments and computer models

March, 2015

Kolmakova E.A. Education reform in Russia beginning of XXI century and appointment of philosophy in high schoolе

May, 2015

Томский государственный педагогический университет – участник реализации федерального проекта «Содействие повышению уровня финансовой грамотности населения и развитию финансового образования в Российской Федерации»

June, 2019

О совершенствовании преподавания физики в ВУЗе при болонской системе образования

July, 2019

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Agdavletova A.M. About the teaching methods of discipline "Information systems and technologies"

March, 2015

Agdavletova A.M., Inashvili S.Y. Use of electronic educational resources to prepare schoolchildren in computer science and ICT

June, 2015

Philippov A.E. Methodical Bases of Teaching "History of Material Culture" for Students of Art and Graphic Faculty

December, 2015

Mayer R.V. About the complexity assessment of the learning material elements of the physics school course

December, 2015

Grushevskii R.S., Titovskya O.A. The teachers is famous for Russia to bring glory to her students

September, 2016

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Zhernova E.I., Shtepa Y.P. Workbook for creating a basic knowledge of schoolchildren on «Text information processing technology»

December, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Mayer R.V. About computer modelling and numerical experiment when studying physics

August, 2014

Denisov A.A. Features for solving mathematical problems students sports orientation using Internet resources

October, 2014

Mayer R.V. Use of computer models when studying astronomies: calculation of the movement of Mars on the heavenly sphere

December, 2014

Mayer R.V. Formation of cognitive interest to informatics: the task about a turtle

April, 2016

Smirnov A.A. The practical significance of mathematical disciplines in high school

October, 2016