Articles by keyword «lexeme»

Articles in journal «Philology and literature»

Kuznetsova A.A. Осенний мир в языковой картине мира русского народа

№ 9 September 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ryabov S.S., Milotaeva O.S. Peculiarities of the use of the mother language in the process of learning a foreign language in a technical high school

April, 2015

Ryabov S.S., Milotaeva O.S. Formation of writing skills in the process of learning a foreign language in a technical high school

May, 2015

Klushina E.S., Milotaeva O.S. Bilingualism in the process of learning foreign languages in a technical high school

May, 2015

Brovkina C.S., Katysheva I.A. Spring in the russian language pattern of the world

October, 2015

Naumova T.A. Bread in the russian language picture of the world

November, 2015

Anashkina N.Y. Linguistic implication of feelings, states, and activities in the texts of British folklore

November, 2015

Kuznetsova L.I. Reflection of cultural-national mentality in the word

November, 2015

Bozakina A.N. Laziness in the Russian language picture of the world

November, 2015

Kochnоva K.A. Tsvetosemantika of the writer's landscape

January, 2016

Kochnоva K.A. Semanteme «loneliness» in the russian language picture of the world

February, 2016

Kochnоva K.A. The semantic word model in the russian mentality

March, 2016

Kochnоva K.A. Modeling language picture of the world in paremiology

August, 2016

Danilina A.V. The system of characters in modern urban legends

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Anashkina N.Y. Translation aspects of rebuilding the linguistic world reflection of British folk verses Nursery Rhymes in their Russian counterparts

November, 2015

Kochnova K.A. The lexico-semantic happiness model in the russian mentality

February, 2016