Articles by keyword «иностранный язык»

Articles in journal «Philology and literature»

Adzieva E.S. Реализация ключевых возможностей преподавателя английского языка в информационном пространстве

№ 7 July 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Soloveva I.V. Educational motivation and practice of teaching English to non-linguistic university

June, 2012

Idiatullin A.V. The potential of profilizatioin of foreign language course in the process of education of the professionals of socio-cultural sphere

September, 2013

Dmitrieva N.A. Bilingual information resource is as a means development of information and legal competence of the future bachelors

November, 2013

Novgorodova E.E. Features of formation of oral speech by foreign voice interaction on English lessons

January, 2014

Ipatova L.O. Teaching to professional interaction to students of economic specialities at foreign language classes

March, 2014

Kargina E.M. Relevance of training in practical use of a foreign language in the sphere of professional communication

June, 2014

Kargina E.M. Subject role in the course of formation of professional motivation

June, 2014

Kargina E.M. Use of the principle of a situational orientation at developing and performing exercises in a foreign language

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. Active and receptive lexicon at profile training in a foreign language in not language higher education institution

December, 2014

Kargina E.M. Features of training in summarizing of the profile professional focused literature in a foreign language

December, 2014

Komarova E.V. Self-control and self-determination as a basic means of learning a foreign language

January, 2015

Kargina E.M. Features of communication training in a foreign language by an activization method

January, 2015

Komarova Y.V. The use of human knoledge in learning a foreign language

January, 2015

Kargina E.M. Intralinguistic and extralinguistic conditions of training in a foreign language in technical higher education institution

February, 2015

Kargina E.M. Studying of foreign-language scientific and technical terminology in a historical context

February, 2015

Kargina E.M. Influence of the foreign-language scientific and technical text characteristics on efficiency of training in a foreign language in technical higher education institution

February, 2015

Kargina E.M. Features of the translation of foreign-language scientific and technical literature from the point of view of grammatical stylistics

February, 2015

Komarova E.V. Difficulties in the use of foreign vocabulary in the process of learning a foreign language

February, 2015

Komarova E.V. Some ways to intensify the process of learning a foreign language in a technical high school

March, 2015

Kargina E.M. Motivational influence of training in different types of foreign-language speech activity in their interrelation

March, 2015

Komarova E.V., Kinal A.V. Formation of skills of business correspondence in the process of learning the German language in a technical high school

March, 2015

Kargina E.M. Activization of phraseological units on the basis of reading foreign-language texts

March, 2015

Milotaeva O.S. Reading of specialized texts as the basis for learning a foreign language in a technical high school

March, 2015

Rybkina S.N. Some aspects of implementing multilingual education in modern universities

March, 2015

Shadova A.S., Komarova E.V. Motivation activities of students in the teaching of a foreign language in a technical high school

April, 2015

Kinal A.V., Komarova E.V. Development of speaking skills in the process of the retelling during the practical training of a foreign language in high school

April, 2015

Ryabov S.S., Milotaeva O.S. Peculiarities of the use of the mother language in the process of learning a foreign language in a technical high school

April, 2015

Bykova Y., Milotaeva O.S. Transition of the passive vocabulary into active vocabulary based on the translation of technical literature in the process of learning a foreign language in a technical high school

April, 2015

Bogdanova J.Z. Creativity competition as a form of students' independent work

April, 2015

Komarova E.V., Shadova A.S. The abilities to learn foreign languages and the peculiarities of their development in the course of teaching a foreign language in a technical high school

May, 2015

Bykova Y., Milotaeva O.S. Interference of languages in learning a foreign language in high school

May, 2015

Ryabov S.S., Milotaeva O.S. Formation of writing skills in the process of learning a foreign language in a technical high school

May, 2015

Kireev A.S., Komarova E.V. Informative reading of original literature on the practical training in a foreign language in a technical high school

May, 2015

Lukonin A.V., Komarova Y.V. Motive and installation of students on reading in the teaching of a foreign language in a technical high school

May, 2015

Klushina E.S., Milotaeva O.S. Bilingualism in the process of learning foreign languages in a technical high school

May, 2015

Bogdanova J.Z. Professionally-oriented training of a foreign language in agrarian university

May, 2015

Kargina E.M. Development of students' analytical-synthetic activity as a factor of foreign language training motivation at technical higher education institution

June, 2015

Kargina E.M. Functional differentiation of lexical material in the course of teaching a foreign language at not language higher education institution

June, 2015

Kargina E.M. Regularities and tendencies of foreign-language informal conversation development

August, 2015

Milotaeva O.S., Komarova E.V. The use of texts on the profile of preparation of the future bachelors and masters as a way to increase the motivation of foreign language teaching

September, 2015

Ostapchuk N.A., Ostapchuk E.N. Basic principles for the song material selection

November, 2015

Shilyagina A.M. Role play as one of the foreign language teaching methods

November, 2015

Yushkevich O.V. The methodology peculiarity of simulation technology application in teaching foreign languages for specific purposes

November, 2015

Khompodoeva M.V., Nikulina L.P. Abstract in foreign language study for master’s degree students

December, 2015

Smirnova T.P. Lexical peculiarities of English texts in information technologies

February, 2016

Rolgayzer A.A. Modern interactive training methods as instrument of increasing motivation to learning of a foreign language

May, 2016

Khalipina O.V. Song as a sociocultural component in foreign language teaching

June, 2016

Mineeva O.A., Klopova Y.V. Use of LMS Moodle in organisation of students’ foreign language independent work

August, 2016

Grigorovskaya A.V. The expirience of foreign language class with the using of ALM-technologies

October, 2016

Grigorovskaya A.V. The electronic manual on foreign language for agronomists: the experience of creation and using

November, 2016

Aleksanova N.A., Kazaryan M.A. The use of the game method for the formation of communicative competence at foreign language lessons in high school

November, 2016

Smolovik O.V., Shutova N.V. Investigational study of students' attitude to learning a foreign language at different grade levels

February, 2017

Kargina E.M. Reading scientific and technical literature without the translation – as a way of improving the efficiency of foreign language learning in non-linguistic higher education institution

February, 2017

Kuvaytsev A.V., Mukminov R.R. The influences of Internet on the person

March, 2017

Smirnova T.P. Problems of «false cognates» translation in English-language computing texts

April, 2017

Kuvaytsev A.V., Mukminov R.R. Impact of the environment on humans

April, 2017

Kuvaytsev A.V., Mukminov R.R. Modern environmental problems

May, 2017

Discussion as the mean of formation communicative competence at foreign language lessons

May, 2017

Kuvaytsev A.V., Mukminov R.R. Factors of economic growth

May, 2017

Роль английского языка в современном мире

January, 2018

Mulyar A.S., Moroz Y.A. A foreign language for special purposes for students of the business accounting specialty

January, 2021

Сюжетные подкасты как способ изучения английского языка

February, 2023

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Ustinina G.F. Video in language learning as a means of formation of cross-cultural communication skills

March, 2013

Valeeva R.Z. Role plays technique as an active training method of foreign language teaching at the universities of culture and arts

December, 2013

Kargina E.M. Use of the principle of continuity in the profile professional focused training in a foreign language

February, 2014

Kargina E.M. Use of opportunities of a foreign language as means of professional self-determination

April, 2014

Kargina E.M. Use of opportunities of a subject as factor of formation of professional motivation of the students (on the basis of the comparative analysis of plans of classes in a foreign language)

June, 2014

Perunova A.V. Interactive board as a means of increasing motivation in studying foreign languages

October, 2014

Kargina E.M. Features of selection and organization of language material for a profile course of a foreign language

November, 2014

Alexeeva S.S., Nesterova A.S. Ways of increasing the effectiveness of a foreign language teaching to students of nonlinguistic faculties

November, 2014

Kutuzova Z.Y. Formation of communicative competence of future primary school teachers with advanced study of a foreign language (French)

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. The analysis of distinctions problem of foreign-language speech and language skills in historical and methodological context

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. Work on profile foreign-language texts as basis of oral speech development of students

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. «Pseudo simple» lexicon of foreign-language scientific and technical literature

December, 2014

Kargina E.M. Development of the written professional directed foreign-language communication by the students of not language higher education institution

December, 2014

Kargina E.M. Role of out-of-class reading in the course of formation at students of fact-finding reading skills in a foreign language

January, 2015

Komarova E.V. Formation of lexical skills in the process of learning a foreign language

February, 2015

Nikulina L.P., Khompodoeva M.V. Text as a component of the content of foreign language teaching nonlinguistic high school students

February, 2015

Alexeeva S.S., Nesterova A.S. Professional orientation of teaching a foreign language to students of nonlinguistic faculties

February, 2015

Alexeeva S.S., Nesterova A.S. Reading texts as a form of nonlinguistic faculties students’ independent work in teaching a foreign language

February, 2015

Ustinina G.F. Development of creative abilities at English lessons

April, 2015

Lyskova M.I. Didactic potential of the educational text in the process of forming socio-cultural competence of linguistic personality

August, 2015

Korotenko T.N. The role of consciousness and will in the process of learning a foreign language

November, 2015

Inozemtseva K.M., Bondaletova E.N., Borisova T.D. Evolution of ESP as the methodology of teaching foreign languages for professional purposes in Russian non-linguistic universities

February, 2016

Zakharova O.O. Aspects of pupils` intercultural value orientations formation in the process of foreign languages teaching

February, 2016

Bogdanova J.Z. Use of electronic manuals in the professionally-oriented training of a foreign language

March, 2016

Smirnova T.P. Basic principles of linguistic material selection at the final stage of learning reading english scientific and technical literature at non-linguistic universities

April, 2016

Artemov V.B. Lexical difficulties of translation of texts on programming

April, 2016

Artemov V.B. Features of headlines in english newspapers

September, 2016

Lihacheva K.E. The effective using of modern methods at the foreign language lessons in non-language high school

December, 2016

Mineeva O.A., Klopova Y.V., Oladyshkina A.A. Test control in „English“ in the non-linguistic high school

February, 2017

Lipina Y.A. Role of subject «Foreign language» in the educational process

February, 2017

Gulyaeva N.A. Conceptual modeling adaptive innovative system of foreign language training in not langual educational institutions abroad

March, 2017

О некоторых особенностях использования тестовых заданий для контроля знаний по иностранному языку

January, 2018

Мотивация деятельности учащихся на уроке английского языка

August, 2018

Актуальные проблемы изучения иностранного языка в образовательных учреждениях

July, 2022

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Yakovleva A.A. Cultivation of the teenager’s cognitive interests in process of studying foreign language

December, 2013

Novgorodova E.E. Determination of the self-study of students in a course of foreign language

February, 2014

Chernova N.A. Formation Of Motivation Of Students Of College To Learning A Foreign Language Through Out-of-Class Activity

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. Use of situational exercises at introduction and activization of foreign-language lexicon

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. Creation of natural speech situations at training of oral foreign-language speech

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. Task role in motivation of training in reading in a foreign language

January, 2015

Ustinina G.F. Students’ creative competence as an effective instrument for the development of modern specialist’s competitiveness

April, 2015

Osipova A.V., Podolskay O.A. The formation of younger school students’ interest to a foreign language

May, 2015

Perunova A.V. Interdisciplinary communication as the basis of creating profissionsional-orienteted textbooks for foreign language practicals

June, 2015

Voloshina L.A. The main principles of communicative training non-linguist students

July, 2015

Shilyagina A.M. Using of multimedia set rinel-lingo in teaching of a foreign language

November, 2015

Verisova A.D., Lisnichenko M.O. The historical set phrases in English language

March, 2017

О некоторых особенностях понятия аутентичные материалы

May, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Akhmedova S.N.k. The problem of teaching speaking in a foreign language in secondary school

February, 2014

Valeeva R.Z. The use of project method in foreign language teaching (extramural courses)

April, 2014

Odintsova N.B. Education dialogic speech at the French lesson

April, 2014

Podolskay O.A., Pishchulina N.V. Role of informatively-communication technologies in educational activity on the lessons of English

May, 2014

Kargina E.M. Profile selection of lexical and grammatical material in the professional focused course of a foreign language in technical high school

September, 2014

Ustinina G.F. Creativity in foreign languages learning as a factor of university graduates’ competitiveness

October, 2014

Kargina E.M. Features of phonetics assimilation of foreign language in psychological context

November, 2014

Ustinina G.F. Creative learning environment as a means of specialists’ competitiveness formation

December, 2014

Kargina E.M. Reading as a development tool of oral speech in the context of foreign language training

January, 2015

Kargina E.M. Development of skill of reading of scientific and technical literature without the translation

January, 2015

Bogdanova J.Z. Authentic matters for the professional focused training in a foreign language

May, 2016

Verisova A.D., Lisnichenko M.O. An idiom: as a part of language culture

March, 2017

Bogdanova J.Z. Effective use of the teacher’s Internet space in the educational process

March, 2017