Author: Дружинина Светлана Ивановна

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Articles of the author in journal «Philology and literature»

Druzhinina S.I. О предложениях с фразеологизированными сочетаниями типа как надо

№ 1 January 2016

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Druzhinina S.I. The peculiarities of the structure-semantical classification of complex sentences, which is based on theories of functional semantic field and transitivity

March, 2013

Druzhinina S.I. Studying of complex sentences with multiple-valued subordinate clauses (on the example of Russian lesson at high school)

February, 2014

Druzhinina S. The theory of functional-semantic fields and transitivity - the basis new research technologies language system

January, 2015

Druzhinina S.I. On proposals with frazeologizm combinations type не кто иной, как, не что иное, как

January, 2016

Druzhinina S.I. Homocomplex «как будто»

March, 2017