UDC 821.111(73)


Ablaeva Lenie Djelyalovna1, Bondarenko Lydia Valeriyevna2
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, student of 4 year of the English Philology
2V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, senior lecturer of the Chair of the English Philology, Institution of the International Philology, Ph.D. in Philology

This article is dedicated for enclosure of the detective story’s features as s genre which are defined by the existence of certain signs which are realized at the stylistic and thematic levels. James Patterson’s detective story “Kiss the girls” is characterized by the specific construction of literary levels and linear structure of the plot.
The structural analysis of the novel is based, on the “narrative codes”, the term is suggested by R. Barthes, which are realized on the plot and composition levels, in characters, on the linguistic and thematic levels and form an indivisible and integral structure of the novel.

Keywords: detective story, integral structure of the novel, James Patterson “Kiss the girls”, linear structure, structural analysis, stylistic structure, thematic content

Article reference:
Ablaeva L.D., Bondarenko L.V. Structural analysis of the detective «Kiss the Girls» by James Patterson // Philology and literature. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://philology.snauka.ru/en/2016/03/1945

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