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UDC 80:802.0
Kudryashov Igor Alexandrovich1, Salenko Alina Romanovna2
1Southern Federal University, doctor of philological science, professor, language theory and the Russian language department
2Southern Federal University, undergraduate student, language theory and the Russian language department
1Southern Federal University, doctor of philological science, professor, language theory and the Russian language department
2Southern Federal University, undergraduate student, language theory and the Russian language department
The article defines the essence of unreliable narrative and narrator, reveals the unreliable narrator’s characteristic features. On the material of K. Kesey’s “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” the unreliable narrator’s textual world is analyzed.
Article reference:
Kudryashov I.A., Salenko A.R. Narrator’s textual world in unreliable narrative // Philology and literature. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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