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UDC 821.161.1
Zhuchkova Anna Vladimirovna
Russian peoples friendship University
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor the Department of Russian and foreign literature
Russian peoples friendship University
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor the Department of Russian and foreign literature
The author expresses his own opinion about the modern Russian literature, which he regards as a new milestone in the Russian literary tradition. The most Important features of the new literature are 1) an eclectic form, summarizing postmodern aesthetic and traits of previous literary epochs (realism, naturalism, modernism), and 2) a focus attention on the subconscious mind, an essential component of which is a system of sensory impressions and concrete sensory images. But the main difference of the new literature from the literature of postmodernism is the serious attitude to human life.
Keywords: idea, image, new literature, physical, postmodernism, sensory
Article reference:
Zhuchkova A.V. Overcome the postmodernism // Philology and literature. 2015. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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