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UDC 811
Krylova Maria Nikolaevna
Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy
PhD in Philological Science, Assistant Professor of the Professional Pedagogy and Foreign Languages Department
Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy
PhD in Philological Science, Assistant Professor of the Professional Pedagogy and Foreign Languages Department
In the article the basic antinomies peculiar to the languages were considered: synchrony and diachrony, statics and dynamics, paradigmatics and syntagmatics, objective and subjective, social and individual in language, external and internal laws of the development of language, speech and language, oral and written speech, etc. Antinomies combine linguistic phenomena, having more similarities than differences. Antinomies play an important role in the development of language, are its driving force.
Keywords: antinomy, dynamics, language, speech, statics
Article reference:
Krylova M.N. Antinomies as the driving force of language // Philology and literature. 2014. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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